elena We need to improve two different catalogues in our single installation, because each catalogue will be providing the information and hierarchies of the types of the coins to two different websites. Is it possible? How can we improve it?
Yes, it's possible, two ways:
1- Using the current hierarchy of the catalog, adding the name of the catalog as root terms:
- Catalog
- my first catalog
- my second catalog
in this way you don't need to change the diffusion ontology but you will need to change the «main» root in the webpage. It could be «strange» for the web developers because the result is all together in the publication API. It's easy to work inside Dédalo but to much more complex into the web.
2 Creating a new hierarchy for the new catalog. It's more complex at the beginning but it's more clear and flexible.
In this way you need to create another hierarchy for the new catalog and you will can use it as normal. But you will need to change the diffusion ontology to create another publication schema and another API space
Create the hierarchy, go to Thesaurus->hierarchy
and create new one.
fill the fields as you need. but set this fields with this data:
typology : Catalog
Real section tipo : numisdata651
Active : yes
Active in menu : yes
The TLD field is mandatory fill it as:
TLD : thenameofyournewcatalog
Note: take account that the TLD
has to be ASCII characters without any special character, no spaces, no slash, no punctuation, no accents, no capitals, and not used previously.
Then, create the hierarchy pressing the tool in the inspector.
This action change the ontology to add your new catalog and it will ready to be used, change the profile to give access to users as you need and you can use it into the cataloging tool as the previous catalog.
And you will have to manually add this new catalog into the diffusion ontology to create new API schema, with new database and all definitions.
By default the main catalog is pointed to numisdatacatalog1
section, that is the main hierarchy for the catalog. When you create new one you will need to use it in a different diffusion ontology:
You will need replicate this ontology with the new TLD
for your need catalog, you can use the database_alias
and table_alias
in cases where nothing needs to be changed.
I hope is will clear.