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All Discussions
Bienvenid@, bienvenu/e, willkommen, bem-vindo, benvingut/da, καλωσόρισμα, 欢迎, welcome to Dédalo ἀγορά
Memory friday meeting on 28th March al 12 h
Unable to spread web elements (missing diffusion button)
Updating to v6.4.0 and beyond (Current Ontology version: null)
403 Error after updating code from v6.3.1
Possible Development To do: Info Bubbles
Problem exporting location from requests.
Entities that depend on another entity (more about Onomastic tesaurus)
Next memory friday to be held on 28th of February
Exporting inventories including images
Field tch241
Honorees- People Under Study
Display section Thesaurus based on actv1
Thesaurus data model
Uploaded images dedalo
Issues with Dédalo installation – Database import failure - .pgpass
Database error: relation "jer_dd" does not exist
filter layout
Time response publishing in 6.4.0
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