As result of discussion in Lisbon, July 18‒21, 2024, during the DARIAH-EU Annual Event meetings in Portugal we take a decision that the name «Publishable» for the component_publication
(the green button in the records) is not a clear name, therefore the proposal was to change it to «Public».
The meaning of the component has not change:
All entries marked with the green button «Public» will be visible in the public homepage after the next publication.
The term «Public» is equivalent to «openly accessible» (= no private data, e. g. unofficial photographs; no restricted access by the authorities/data holders, e. g. findspot), and «ready to be published» (= e. g. typology).
The change was done in the ontology:
Dédalo 2024-09-22T11:51:49+02:00 Benimamet
Update your Dédalo to get this change.