We have a problem with the display of the terms of a web thesaurus based on the ww10 section. It was working fine and suddenly we don't know why it stopped working. It only happens to us with this thesaurus.
If we display the thesaurus element, the child is visible but without a name or identifier or the possibility of displaying its respective children.

However, if we access editing the child element, it has a name, the parent element (hierarchy) and associated children.
We have tried to put different elements of the thesaurus as a general term of the hierarchy and the same thing always happens.
The following error is shown in the log when deploying the hierarchy
AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: \x1b[43mERROR [dd_error::captureError]: Array\n(\n [type] => 2\n [message] => Undefined array key 0\n [file] => /prehistoria/httpdocs/dedalo6-pre/core/ts_object/class.ts_object.php\n [line] => 104\n)\n\x1b[0m; PHP message: \x1b[43mDEBUG_LOG [ERROR]\n RecordObj_dd::construct This record dd not exists! [terminoID:"" - prefijo:""] - debug_backtrace: \n[\n {\n "file": "/prehistoria/httpdocs/dedalo6-pre/core/ts_object/class.ts_object.php",\n "line": 104,\n "function": "construct",\n "class": "RecordObj_dd",\n "object": {\n "blIsLoaded": null,\n "arModifiedRelations": null,\n "use_cache": true,\n "use_cache_manager": false,\n "dato": null,\n "terminoID": null\n },\n "type": "->",\n "args": [\n null\n ]\n },\n {\n "file": "/prehistoria/httpdocs/dedalo6-pre/core/ts_object/class.ts_object.php",\n "line": 258,\n "function": "get_ar_elements",\n "class": "ts_object",\n "type": "::",\n "args": [\n "www1",\n false\n ]\n },\n {\n "file": "/prehistoria/httpdocs/dedalo6-pre/core/api/v1/common/class.dd_ts_api.php",\n ...; PHP message: \x1b[43mERROR [dd_error::captureError]: Array\n(\n [type] => 1024\n [message] => This record dd not exists! [terminoID:"" - prefijo:""] \n [file] => /prehistoria/httpdocs/dedalo6-pre/core/db/class.RecordObj_dd.php\n [line] => 69\n)
It seems that there is some bad or corrupted data that prevents the hierarchy from being displayed correctly.
We have tried to regenerate the thesaurus from the hierarchy tool but it has not worked
Do you have any idea what could be happening or what we can do to locate the problem?