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I have a question about the numbers and his interpretation.
Context: by default some developer languages and databases has an interpretation of empty values are equal to 0 in some cases. So, when you filter data with < operator, null (empty values) are considered < than any number.
Ex, the sequence:
4, null, 8, 0, 11, -3
if you search into the database; tell me the numbers <5, the result will be:
4, null, 0, -3
But for me seem that this result is not natural. Seem that I want to get:
4, 0, -3
I think that, for me, the empty value (null) add noise to the result.
So... the question is; What do you think about empty values, are they equal to 0 or not when you filter data?
Note: empty and 0 are not the same, but empty and Nan values in IEEE 754 are considered < than any number.