Hi! Here is a new proposal:
We know that Dédalo already shows Info Bubbles in some fields, what is very useful in order to get extra info when we use some fields: trash, search options and so on.
My question is if it would be feasible that this option would be activated while working in Catalogue, so an Info Bubble could appear on 'Name of the property' (Nom del bé: tch152) to show that the selected term has Indexing Instruction or Observations made in the thesaurus...
The point here is that it is common that people creating thesaures and people cataloguing are not the same user and so it happens that our thesaurus gives detail info that some people is not aware of and some terms are misused.
Maybe offering that info bubble could helps us to work and use thesaurus terms with more accuracy.
I don't know what you think, but maybe it's worth thinking about.