Dear Gerard_La Foneria
Well, the 'muvaet' TLD is an entity owner TLD, the model is not shared by this museum and it is not maintained by the community, it is not part of the default ethology management, you can use it but the latest public version is from 2014. We are not involved in its maintenance, so I do not recommend it.
You can use the qdp and its objects section instead.
qdp is used by ethnological museums, it's shared and maintained daily and will also join to archeological object model to define an unique model for all types of objects. qdp will be transform into the new tld, 'tch' and it will be 1 to 1 compatible. Note that v5 use qdp, but it will not use in new v6, Dédalo v6 will update all qpd installations to new "tch" automatically.
I hope it will be clear.