2. Exactly the same happens when we go to the "Restoration and Conservation" tab > "Inspections/Conservation Status" > New tab or existing tab > Field: Causes.

It also occurs when we try to go from "Activities">"Restoration">"Inspections/Conservation Status".

In this case, however, the field "tch456" is linked to "TCH">" Finding places">"Place of Production":

Again, it would be ideal if the "Causes" field had a dropdown linked to the thesaurus in "Thesaurus">"Restoration">"Cause" [hierarchy1_251] or in "Thesaurus">"Terminology">"Cause".
3. Something similar happens in the tab under "Object">"Restoration and Conservation">"Interventions" > New tab or edit an existing one > "Applied Processes" > New tab or edit an existing one >.

The field "rsc615" is linked, as in the case of "pathologies", to a thesaurus tab under "Resources">"Conservation">"Restoration Process", where the same message appears again when trying to edit it.
This field should be linked to a drop-down of the thesaurus "Thesaurus"> "Restoration"> "Treatment" [hierarchy1_254], where the type of treatments will be catalogued, and then in the thesaurus "Resources" the details of the intervention carried out on the specific piece should be specified. Or it could be found in "Thesaurus" > "Terminology" > "Treatment".
4. The last problem/defect I have found so far in the Conservation/Restoration sections is, as you may have guessed from the previous problems, that there is a duplication (or even triplicity) in filling in the information. For example, the "type of analysis" field is used to fill in the tabs of the "analysis" thesaurus (rsc574) (each of which refers to an analysis with its results for a specific object, which is very handy), but the thesaurus for the concept "type of analysis" can be found in
- As an editable drop-down list in the same file (rsc603) to which it is linked, but it does not allow to give information about the type of analysis (image diagnosis, dating, characterisation, etc.), nor to create families of parents and children. It would also be interesting to include a bibliography on the type of analysis and to be able to see on which objects it has been used.
- In the section "Thesaurus" > "Restoration" > "Analysis".
- Under "Thesaurus">"Terms">"Analysis".
- Administration> Value Lists> "Restoration" > "Analysis Type".
In short, there are several thesauri referring to the same field, some of which are not related to each other or have no representation in the object cards. Similarly, the catering thesauri should be centralised in a single section to avoid wasting time searching for each section in the different menus and to make the work more intuitive.