pricua which I understand forces the publication to always be carried out
Yes, Dédalo remembers if the record was previously published and if the record has no changes since the last publication it will be ignored, checking the Ignore temporarily the publication status when publishing
option forces to ignore the publication status and always perform the publication process.
pricua Has something similar ever happened to you or do you have any idea what might be happening?
Not really, I try to reproduce it, and the publication works correctly... I don't found the issue that you are describing, but, I don't know where are you searching, what is the filter that you are applied, or steps that you are doing... and without any context is hard to locate it...
Things that you could do:
1 Log as developer or root, to activate the debugger.
2 Review the php log to see if they show some error. Use something as:
tail -f php_error_log
3 If your version is >= 6.2 you will also need to review the process log, it will be in the sessions
directory at the same level than httpdocs
directory (outside the apache directory). Note that each time you start a publication process a new file will be created with the specific process log.
4 Verify the number of records found in the tool diffusion:

5 If the records found is not correct, you will need to check the SQO of the session into the class.tool_diffusion.php
, locate this code:
// reset offset
$sqo->offset = 0;
around the line 312 and see if the filter
and limit
value of the $sqo
is correct, you will get something as:
"section_tipo": [
"limit": 1000,
"offset": 1000,
"filter": {
"$and": [
"q": "1,2",
"q_operator": null,
"path": [
"name": "Id",
"model": "component_section_id",
"section_tipo": "oh1",
"component_tipo": "oh62"
"type": "number",
"component_path": [
"lang": "all",
"unaccent": false,
"format": "in_column",
"column_name": "section_id",
"operator": "IN",
"q_parsed": "1,2"
"filter_by_locators": null,
"children_recursive": false,
"order": false,
"select": [],
"full_count": false,
"parsed": true,
"generated_time": 1.317,
"total": 2
You can check if the SQO is correct and the search was done correctly in the maintenance
. Copy the SQO
and paste here.

If all previous doesn't work, you can share the SQO...