Manuel Gozalbes Mint section. The information from the thesaurus "territories/historical toponyms" should not be mixed with the "location" field (numisdata585). For now, the field "indexation" will retrieve that contents. To create a separate field in the future for this contents is also posible.
Ok, it's not necessary update the ontology, you only need to change the "territories/historical toponyms" hierarchy (hierarchy1) from toponym type to thematic type in the field "typology" (hierarchy9), and the both fields (indexation & location) will be update in mints section.

Doing this action it will move the hierarchy from Toponymy to Thematic in the thesaurus tree:

And the fields in mint will use correctly this change.
Note: Remember that if you have previous data in mints field you will need to move the data from / to correct field.