Hi @PaCo, thanks! So, I went over my Hierarchy ID 249. I added the target thesaurus "Memoria" (with children "Infancia" and "Madres") and the target model, "Historia de Vida" (My goal is to index the parts of the interview where my participants share memories/anecdotes about their childhoods and their mothers) 
I'm still getting this error 
and sometimes also this error:
common.js:2782 SERVER: api_response.dedalo_last_error: search::search Error Processing Request : Sorry cannot execute search_free non resource query
sql_query: -- Search Without order - window: true
SELECT DISTINCT ON (dd1244.section_id) dd1244.section_id,
FROM matrix_list AS dd1244
WHERE dd1244.id in (
SELECT DISTINCT ON(dd1244.section_id,dd1244.section_tipo) dd1244.id FROM matrix_list AS dd1244
WHERE (dd1244.section_tipo='dd1244') AND dd1244.section_id>0 AND (
-- DIRECT FORMAT - table_alias:dd1244 - dd1242 - Tipo - components,dd1242,dato - COMPONENT_INPUT_TEXT
f_unaccent(dd1244.datos#>>'{components,dd1242,dato}') ~ f_unaccent('."rsc29".') AND
-- DIRECT FORMAT - table_alias:dd1244 - dd642 - Section tipo - components,dd642,dato - COMPONENT_INPUT_TEXT
f_unaccent(dd1244.datos#>>'{components,dd642,dato}') ~ f_unaccent('."rsc170".') AND
-- DIRECT FORMAT - table_alias:dd1244 - dd1246 - Mode - components,dd1246,dato - COMPONENT_INPUT_TEXT
f_unaccent(dd1244.datos#>>'{components,dd1246,dato}') ~ f_unaccent('."list".'))
ORDER BY dd1244.section_id ASC -- allow_sub_select_by_id=true (1-a) main_section_tipo_alias: dd1244
ORDER BY dd1244.section_id ASC
Perhaps I'm wrongly defining my target thesaurus or the target model? Thank you so much for your help!