Hola! I can't access the Indexing tool, see the below error. Thank you so much for your help.
Error with Indexing Tool
Hi! Thanks for your help. My Dédalo is V6, the error occurs in the Index Tool when I attempt to use it through processes and it's happening with all my records. My console has the following error:
common.js:2782 SERVER: api_response.dedalo_last_error: component_relation_common::get_hierarchy_sections_from_types Skipped hierarchy without target section tipo: hierarchy1, 249
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Hi @mariaBui
It seems that your hierarchy has a mistake:
Skipped hierarchy without target section tipo: hierarchy1, 249
You need to go to Hierarchy section in the menu:
Thesaurus -> Hierarchy
and check your record 249.
If the record (this record defines a local Thesaurus Hierarchy) is active, then the target thesaurus section tipo is mandatory:
If this record is a test or an incomplete hierarchy, you must to deactivate it to avoid errors.
You can see more information about hierarchies management in Dédalo documentation
I hope this helps you
Did you define a thesaurus in the installation process?
Usually, the installation process ask to set the 3 main tesarus: «thematic», «onomastic» and «chronological» thesaurus, If you don't have it, you can use the maintenance panel to install them.
I hope is clear.
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Hi @PaCo, thanks! So, I went over my Hierarchy ID 249. I added the target thesaurus "Memoria" (with children "Infancia" and "Madres") and the target model, "Historia de Vida" (My goal is to index the parts of the interview where my participants share memories/anecdotes about their childhoods and their mothers)
I'm still getting this error
and sometimes also this error:
common.js:2782 SERVER: api_response.dedalo_last_error: search::search Error Processing Request : Sorry cannot execute search_free non resource query
sql_query: -- Search Without order - window: true
SELECT DISTINCT ON (dd1244.section_id) dd1244.section_id,
FROM matrix_list AS dd1244
WHERE dd1244.id in (
SELECT DISTINCT ON(dd1244.section_id,dd1244.section_tipo) dd1244.id FROM matrix_list AS dd1244
WHERE (dd1244.section_tipo='dd1244') AND dd1244.section_id>0 AND (
-- DIRECT FORMAT - table_alias:dd1244 - dd1242 - Tipo - components,dd1242,dato - COMPONENT_INPUT_TEXT
f_unaccent(dd1244.datos#>>'{components,dd1242,dato}') ~ f_unaccent('."rsc29".') AND
-- DIRECT FORMAT - table_alias:dd1244 - dd642 - Section tipo - components,dd642,dato - COMPONENT_INPUT_TEXT
f_unaccent(dd1244.datos#>>'{components,dd642,dato}') ~ f_unaccent('."rsc170".') AND
-- DIRECT FORMAT - table_alias:dd1244 - dd1246 - Mode - components,dd1246,dato - COMPONENT_INPUT_TEXT
f_unaccent(dd1244.datos#>>'{components,dd1246,dato}') ~ f_unaccent('."list".'))
ORDER BY dd1244.section_id ASC -- allow_sub_select_by_id=true (1-a) main_section_tipo_alias: dd1244
ORDER BY dd1244.section_id ASC
Perhaps I'm wrongly defining my target thesaurus or the target model? Thank you so much for your help!
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Hi mariaBui
Seems like you don't have registered the tools. The error say that the indexation tool can not find his own configuration.
Therefore, enter into the maintenance panel and locate the Registerer tools
panel and look there is something in red. and press the ‘Register tools’ button.
Log out and log in and try again.
And could you send me an image of the Update ontology
panel in maintenance? (maybe your installation is not updated to the last one)
Hi @mariaBui
Yes, is very old, you can go ahead and update the Ontology.
BUT NOTE THAT, we are moving our master server from https://master.render.es/ to https://master.dedalo.dev/
Depending of your code version, you may need to change the Ontology server configuration in the configuration file from this one:
define('STRUCTURE_SERVER_URL', 'https://master.render.es/dedalo/lib/dedalo/extras/str_manager/');
to this one:
define('STRUCTURE_SERVER_URL', 'https://master.dedalo.dev/dedalo/core/extras/str_manager/');
If you have problems with this, let me know, and share your database info from the area maintenance panel such:
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Hi mariaBui
We continue to move forward...
Things that I can see:
- It seems that your .pgpass file is not configured. (--dbname dedalo_xxx)
You can see the doumentation here. - Your database version is too old. The minimum required version is 16.1 (see info about)
I think you should make a backup and check these points before proceeding.
Good luck