Here is a quick review of the topics that were talked about at the Memory Friday Meeting (+ Numismatic)
- People honourees, and typology.
We discussed the suggestion that @Gerard_La Foneria made in Honorees. We agreed that
- Typology is the best solution to mark honorees
- Typology has to change into a thesaurus located in semantics (as job roles/user roles/etc.)
- We have to add the prefilter similar to that one @alex showed us, used in Numismatics
- We have to move the typology to a more visible location in the register, as the importance of this field will increase.
Onomastic Thesaurus uses after entities and people have been "theusarised".
The main goal is to eliminate the Onomastic Thesaurus: as Entities and People are now indexable, it seems unnecessary to have the onomastic thesaurus. However, the onomastic thesaurus provides the data with CONTEXT, a kind of organisation that is lost if it is completely removed. It is impossible to show people in the thesaurus as in Memory we have more than 200.000 and, also, DESCRIPTORS, PEOPLE and ENTITY have different records with different fields. So maybe the solution is to look at it backwards.
We decided to maintain the CONTEXT as Onomastic thesaurus (maybe we should come up with another denomination as the name "Onomastic" will be no longer logical). And this context has to be added to the new entities and people record as an indexation.
On the other hand, the entities and people records have to have some caracteristics of the thesaurus records.
Ontology changes: Alex explained us that in the upcoming version of Dédalo there would be a change in ontology for a private reason. Up to now was "regarding" sons for a speed reason. But for a privacity reason the model has to change to a father pattern and the son will be "calculated". With this new model the "hierarchy" model in thesaurus will be removed.
HOMEWORK: this change implies that if we lose Hierarchy we will lose some context. So @Alex gave us some homework: to create a new term for each hierarchy term that we have in order to NOT to lose context.
I hope I don't forget anythig important, if so, please feel free to add it!
@Alex @Manuel Gozalbes @Mariajobrador @mperpinan @MercePB