Yesterday, talking with @Manuel Gozalbes , he said me that the import images tool will need to be change his behaviour to include multiple images to same field as "Identifying images" (tch66).
Now the tool use the pattern:
for example:
My super cool image-B.tiff
In the first case, 712
could be interpreted as the section_id of the record and the B
as the field that the image will go to be stored.
In the second case, the image has not ID (it will imported into next section_id) and theB
will be interpret as the field when the image will be stored.
That's ok. But, what happens when you want to send multiple images into same record and same field?, the thing is that is necessary add another rule because multiple images to same id and same field will has the same name:
And is not possible to manage it, no filesystem doesn't allow it, two files with the same name has a conflict.
So, it is clear that it will be necessary to add another pattern in the image import tool, and my question is... which one will be more useful:
I proposal two models:
my optional name-id-field.extension
id-my optional name-field.extension
My super cool image-712-B.tiff
712-My super cool image-B.tiff
You can think in other patter as:
id-field-my optional name.extension
712-B-My super cool image.tiff
But, it doesn't follow the previous pattern (field definition goes to end). and I think that the model needs to be compatible with the previous pattern:
My super cool image-B.tiff
So, I ask you, which of the models should be implemented?