Hi Habana
I answer you here, but for Objects (tch1) we have a thread here:
Please use the correct thread so that it can be followed by other users, thank you.
Habana We would like the "Object" thesaurus files to have two additional fields:
• One for "Period" related to the "Period" thesaurus [hierarchy1_256]
• Another for "Culture" related to the "Culture" thesaurus [hierarchy1_255]
Object thesaurus is nor for specific objects, is for conceptual things as:
- coin
- picture
- telephone
- etc
Therefore the thesaurus is not for specific objects, but for concepts, and the concepts has not a specific "period" or "culture", because "coin", as conceptual object, is used in ancient periods, medieval and modern era.
But is true that you could need specify a time frame or space frame for a conceptual object, in those cases is possible define the time frame, or the geographical space in the fields:
Time frame hierarchy30
Space frame hierarchy42
Geolocation hierarchy31
Habana In the "Object" files within the Inventory, we would like two new fields to be included:
• A field for "Culture" related to the "Culture" thesaurus [hierarchy1_255].
Ok, it was discussed here:
but in a nutshell. You can use Period / Culture / Dynasty / Style

Habana • A different field for measurements. We prefer it to follow the numisdata4 format.
Measurements is a complex and undefined thing. Some objects need X,Y,Z or width, heigh, deep, but other as amphorae need a base radius, some need a ample, large, or armhole or.... lots of combinations. Coins in numisdata4 has specific measurements because the model has only 1 kind of object, so, yes, is more easy use a fixed fields, but is not possible when we have a mixed type of objects. However, you can change the ontology with your own tld to customise the model as your wish.
Note: don't use any of the common tld if you want to preserve your development. see this and that
Habana For "Object" and "Immovable property" files, we would like the entire hierarchy to be displayed in the "Material" and "Typology" fields, as it is in the "Place" field.
@elena @Manuel Gozalbes @Mariajobrador @Maribel what do you think about that?
Habana We would like the "Entities" thesaurus to be converted to a tree format, as it is much more visual.
Entities are in the way to convert into a thesaurus, but is not totally ready... it will be.
Habana To facilitate the search for the different sectors of an archaeological site, in the field "Place" related to the "Immovable property" thesaurus [hierarchy1_263], we would like this search to be performed based not only on the "Name" tab but also on the "Code" tab.
@elena @Manuel Gozalbes @Mariajobrador @Maribel what do you think about that?