Manuel Gozalbes instead of using the specific models automatically created for those sections, activity2 and excavation2. I don't understand. Is it the correct model?
Sorry, is my fault, the model for actv1 was not correctly defined into the ontology... I used a provisional relation with actv2 because the activity section was a thinking as a global section for all activities, but in some point this conception was rejected to use it as thesauri with ability to be replicated into other sections as you said... so, now is fixed and now the model (or typology) will be linked to the right section as your excavation2 or activity2 or ....
Thanks for point that.
Yes, you need to use specific models...
And the fix was applied into the ontology:
Dédalo 2024-05-29T08:42:25+02:00 Benimamet
Update your installation to get it.