Hi Manuel Gozalbes
Manuel Gozalbes The object list (tch1) shows only one Identifying image. I suggest to show two. For coins, at least, is mandatory to see obverse and reverse.
I don't know why are you see only 1 image, the component tch66 is set to show 2.
"sqo": {
"limit": 2
And the result is something as:

Review your installation.
Manuel Gozalbes For the tch1 list, I suggest to replace the 'collection' field (tch49), very repetitive, with the 'description' field (tch58).
It's fine for me, though Description is too long a field to show in a list, but, if no one is opposed to this change it could be implemented.
What is your option? @Mariajobrador, @rca, @Maribel
Manuel Gozalbes When typing, the 'place' autocomplete of tch1 (tch555 ) does not show information. The link option works fine, but not the autocomplete.
I tested and works perfectly the definition is totally correct, (tch555)
and the result:

??? review your server and php logs...
Manuel Gozalbes For the component 'place' (tch555) and for the component 'location' (tch348) it will be helpful it the parents of the term are also shown (Case 34 > Rome and Hispania > Permanent rooms...)
Is was set in the config months ago and is working... ??? the same thing that previous topic, review your server logs... or update to the ontology, the change was implemented in November 2023.

Manuel Gozalbes The name of the component 'municipality' (tch245 ) of the registration section (tch2) is not describing properly every situation recorded after that context. Maybe will be more accurate a more generic term like 'place'
The component is set to get data from toponyms thesaurus, and immobile heritage, so, it's true that you can set it to other than toponyms places... so if no one opposites to it, 'places' could be a good name, could you translate the term into the: English, Spanish, Català, German, French, Italian, etc...